Another idiotic Michael Moore production
Michael Moore, in his USA Today column, lists the following things as something that Republicans who run the country do not support:
Clean air and water
Equal rights for women
No discrimination against gays
My response for the disingenuous filmmaker:
Both the Republicans and Democrats support clean air and water. The Republicans, however, are the party that understands the concept of marginal utility. We look at a proposition to spend $10 million a year to improve air quality to save three people from cancer deaths, and think we could save a lot more lives by spending that money on mammograms and prostate exams for needy Americans.
Both the Republicans and Democrats support equal rights for women. The Republicans, however, acknowledge that differences in wages can be the result of education, experience, job performance, hours worked, and dare we say better salary negotiation skills. We recognize that if women were systematically paid 25% less than men, then companies would be scrambling to cut salary expenses by 25% by hiring women exclusively.
Both the Republicans and Democrats oppose discrimination against gays. The Republicans fully support the right of both gays and straights to marry: an arrangement for one consenting man and one consenting woman. We may oppose calling other arrangements marriage, but we oppose these arrangements equally for gays and straights.
Just because you think Republicans support pollution and underpay women and discriminate against gays doesn't make it so. If you don't figure this simple fact out, it will be a long time before you will have another happy party.