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Nu ma nu ma iei, nu ma nu ma nu ma iei

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Thursday, August 08, 2019

Midnight Basketball

A brief history lesson:

When Bill Clinton first took office, one of his first domestic policy goals was a "stimulus package", widely derided as a payoff for the big city political machines that helped elect him.  It was so egregious that enough Democrats joined Republicans in opposition that the bill failed to pass the Democrat-controlled Congress.

One of the spending proposals that got the most attention from journalists and pundits was midnight basketball, basically funding leagues so that inner city youths could play basketball at, well, midnight.  Obviously, that costs a lot more than what most people do at midnight, which is "get a good night's sleep and get ready for school or work".  Someone, somewhere, thought it was a good idea.

To me, that's just a reflection of the casual racism of the left.  Because if midnight basketball was such a great idea, why wasn't it popular in wealthy liberal communities?  No, it's a clear indication that the left saw "those people" as in need of this distraction to keep them out of trouble.  Not so for their own, better, communities.