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If you thought the English dub of Sailor Moon from 1995 was bad, just take a look at what Saban (Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers) wanted to turn the Sailor Moon property into.
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If you thought the English dub of Sailor Moon from 1995 was bad, just take a look at what Saban (Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers) wanted to turn the Sailor Moon property into.
A man who was fired by IBM for visiting an adult chat room at work is suing the company for $5 million, claiming he is an Internet addict who deserves treatment and sympathy rather than dismissal.
James Pacenza, 58, of Montgomery, says he visits chat rooms to treat traumatic stress incurred in 1969 when he saw his best friend killed during an Army patrol in Vietnam.
In papers filed in federal court in White Plains, Pacenza said the stress caused him to become "a sex addict, and with the development of the Internet, an Internet addict." He claimed protection under the American with Disabilities Act.
James Taranto at Best of the Web highlights a USA Today article on police suicide, where it's obvious an uncritical journalist was the one doing the statistical work. Citing an 18 per 100,000 suicide rate for police and a 11.1 per 100,000 suicide rate for the general population, they claim police suffer a higher rate of suicide.
If we assume that the police are a representative sample of the population as a whole (apart from the sex disparity), we would expect a suicide rate of approximately 16.8 per 100,000, not much below the 18 per 100,000 that USA Today reports.
It turns out, though, that the overall nationwide suicide rate is skewed downward because it includes children and teenagers, who have a much lower propensity for suicide than adults. This effect is so pronounced that every age group over 20 has a higher-than-average suicide rate. In particular, the overall suicide rate for 25- to 44-year-old men was 22.2 per 100,000 in 2002, and for 45- to 64-year-old men it was 23.5 per 100,000.
Police bear the same stress from work, family and illness that civilians do. What's different is the stress of the street and the access to a gun.
I saw a preview for the new movie Music and Lyrics, appropriately coming out on Valentine's Day, though it was supposed to come out at the end of 2006. Now, I wouldn't normally be interested in a Hugh Grant romantic comedy, but there's an 80's music theme, with Grant playing a washed-up 80's music star. The preview shows a fictitious video from the band, and boy, does it ever capture that 80's MTV feel.
"I was like his stunt double, vocally," jokes Fry. "Warner Bros. figured, 'If Hugh Grant was a pop star, who would he sound like?' And I guess my name came up."
Here's a fun thread at the Actuarial Outpost, with people detailing their run-ins with not-so-bright cashiers.
The 1981 abduction and slaying of six year old Adam Walsh, son of America's Most Wanted host John Walsh, has never been solved. But now, an author suggests notorious serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer may have been responsible.
Dahmer told the Hollywood detective he was broke and drinking heavily while in Miami Beach, worked at a sub shop and often slept on the beach.
Dahmer said he didn't have a car, had never been to Hollywood, and he wasn't interested in kids Adam's age.
"The official line is, he didn't kill. And the official line is what Jeffrey said. Should we believe that?" writer Arthur Jay Harris said.
Harris is a freelance writer who's published three true crime books.
Harris started looking at the Walsh case in 1996 after a landmark legal ruling opened the 10,000-page Walsh file to the public. The Dahmer angle intrigued him. He started digging.
Harris just finished a book about Dahmer, and recently laid out his case in a Miami daily paper. His article put Dahmer at the Hollywood Mall, in the suspected getaway car on the day Adam disappeared.
One of the reasons why police believed Dahmer that he didn't kill Adam (was) because he said he didn't have a vehicle," Harris said.
"This blue van had a crate for a passenger seat," Darlene Hill said.
Harris located Hill, the former owner of restaurant where Dahmer worked. Hill told 12 News the business had three delivery vehicles. One was a blue van. Several witnesses reported seeing a blue van speed from the mall that day.
Television stations will often scroll school closures and delays along the bottom of the screen. This winter, I've seen several school delays despite clear weather, just because it's cold out.
The Indianapolis Colts and Peyton Manning finally have a Super Bowl championship! I very much enjoyed the game, though I expected things to go wrong with the lousy weather.