Incoming jet!
A lot of New Yorkers were certainly shocked by a jet flying in a forbidden zone, right around their tall buildings. It was the surprisingly tone-deaf Obama administration responsible for that!
Joey Devilla offers an interesting argument:
After reading it, I began to wonder why they didn’t do the opposite of keeping it a secret: why not make a big announcement about it and treat it as a mini-air show?
If the response to the air show we have at the Canadian National Exhibition here in Toronto is any indication, it would be a big hit. People, especially in the States, love air shows. If it were me, I’d see if I could get a team like the Blue Angels (they’re Navy – who’s the Air Force equivalent?) to fly in formation behind the big bird.
In fact, a pre-announced Air Force One air show might even garner an extra PR boost from the additional “viral marketing” that would come from people posting their Air Force One photos taken from New York’s many good vantage points on their Facebooks and on Flickr. It’s the sort of social media thing for which the Air Force has shown a considerable amount of savvy.
I agree that people, in general, like air shows, though I personally wouldn't attend one. I would watch a video posted on YouTube of this event.
And since the Obama administration has its handle on intelligence matters, announcing this event for a location in the U.S. would be perfectly safe.