Some uncomfortable thoughts as the election approaches.
There are some people who will look at the polls, forget 2016 ever happened, and be confident their candidate will win. I have some thoughts that should make them uncomfortable.
Imagine you are a person familiar with American elections.
You fell into a coma on November 1, 2013 and wake up November 1, 2020. You don't
know who's running, but you are asked to predict the results of the election.
You're told there's a Republican incumbent and a Democratic challenger.
not told any poll numbers, but you are given some other information:
·The Dow
Jones Industrial Average today and four years ago
·The results of a survey
showing how people feel they're doing compared to four years ago
·Images of the
last ten rallies for each candidate, only revealing the party of each
·A summary
of on both campaigns' ground games
·Shifts in voter identification from state to
state over the last four years
·The Republican incumbent's favorable ratings
among blacks and Hispanics
The politically knowledgeable person would see these
and predict a victory for the Republican candidate. And if those numbers on
black and Hispanic voters translate into votes, the prediction would be a
landslide of a magnitude not seen since 1984.