Climate of Hate
Markos Krugman (excellent pseudonym!) is chronicling the Climate of Hate in America. Check it out!
(Via Instapundit)
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Markos Krugman (excellent pseudonym!) is chronicling the Climate of Hate in America. Check it out!
Lenore Skezany, a promoter of "free-range children", has an op-ed in today's Wall Street Journal, criticizing the state of society where men are assumed, by default, to be predators.
Last week, the lieutenant governor of Massachusetts, Timothy Murray, noticed smoke coming out of a minivan in his hometown of Worcester. He raced over and pulled out two small children, moments before the van's tire exploded into flames. At which point, according to the AP account, the kids' grandmother, who had been driving, nearly punched our hero in the face.
Mr. Murray said she told him she thought he might be a kidnapper.
About ten years ago, Wizards of the Coast created an online version of its popular Magic: the Gathering collectible trading card game. While the basic rules of the game can be taught fairly easily, the detailed rules run dozens of pages. Each of these rules is faithfully coded and debugged. With hundreds of new cards introduced each year, each possibly interacting with old cards in unusual ways, that's an impressive endeavor.
Labels: Magic: the Gathering