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Nu ma nu ma iei, nu ma nu ma nu ma iei

News? Check. Politics? Check. Music? Check. Random thoughts about life? Check. Readership? Ummm.... let me get back to you on that. Updated when I feel like I have something to say, and remember to post it.

Saturday, February 26, 2005

Numa Numa

If there's one lesson Paris Hilton should teach you, it's don't let video of yourself get anywhere near the Internet.

Gary Brolsma will forever (okay, probably for a few months) be known as that guy who did the Numa Numa dance. He's now embarrassed. But his embarrassment is our entertainment.

I wouldn't want to get my 15 minutes of fame in this way. But I'm sure a lot of people who would like to be a star in this way. (Hint on identifying them: They're the ones trying out for reality TV show.)

Dragostea Din Tei isn't as obscure as you might think. It was a huge hit in Europe this summer, and reading about the song in Billboard Magazine got me to look up the O-Zone version. It's one of many songs that hit big everywhere but the United States. Previous examples are Asareje by Las Ketchup and Cotton Eye Joe by Rednex.

I'm curious if this Internet sensation is going to translate into a noticeable number of paid downloads. I'll be watching Billboard Magazine.

Lyrics with translation:

Love from the linden trees by The Outlaws
(Also performed by O-Zone)

- Chorus 1 (4 times) -

Ma-ia-hii / Miya-hee
Ma-ia-huu / Miya-hoo
Ma-ia-hoo / Miya-ho
Ma-ia-haha / Miya-haha
[These are just sounds.]

- Verse 2 -

Alo, Salut, sunt eu, un haiduc, / Hello [on a cellphone], greetings, it's me, an outlaw,
Si te rog, iubirea mea, primeste fericirea. / I ask you, my love, to accept happiness.
Alo, alo, sunt eu Picasso, / Hello, hello, it's me, Picasso,
Ti-am dat beep, si sunt voinic, / I sent you a beep [cellphone signal], and I'm brave [or strong],
Dar sa stii nu-ti cer nimic. / But you should know that I'm not asking for anything from you.

- Chorus 3 (2 times) -

Vrei sa pleci dar nu ma, nu ma iei, nu ma, nu ma iei, nu ma, nu ma, nu ma iei. / You want to leave but you don't want don't want to take me, don't want don't want to take me, don't want don't want don't want to take me.
Chipul tau si dragostea din tei, / Your face and the love from the linden trees,
Mi-amintesc de ochii tai. / And I remember your eyes.

- Verse 4 -

Te sun, sa-ti spun, ce simt acum, / I call you [over the phone], to tell you what I feel right now,
Alo, iubirea mea, sunt eu, fericirea. / Hello, my love, it's me, your happiness.
Alo, alo, sunt iarasi eu, Picasso, / Hello, hello, it's me again, Picasso,
Ti-am dat beep, si sunt voinic, / I sent you a beep [cellphone signal] and I'm brave [or strong],
Dar sa stii nu-ti cer nimic. / But you should know that I'm not asking for anything from you.

Repeat Chorus 3

Repeat Chorus 1

Repeat Chorus 3


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