A Box of Cheerios
Morning Joe Asks Howard Schultz How Much a Box of Cheerios Costs. He Does Not Know.
That's Mediaite's summary of MSNBC talking heads asking a question of the Starbucks CEO and possible politician, trying to demonstrate how out of touch he is. But what it really reveals is how out of touch the media types are.
What size box of Cheerios is this? At what store are we shopping? Is it regular price or sale price? Do we have a coupon? Are we talking about name brand Cheerios, or would the store brand work?
I guarantee you these TV hosts don't think of themselves as out of touch rich. That's for CEOs and others with more money than them. But the questions I raise have to be answered before the original question can be answered. It's pretty clear they don't buy Cheerios themselves.
These talking heads are so out of touch, they think of a box of Cheerios is one thing that's the same everywhere. Either that, or they desire to live in a Communist utopia where the plebs don't have any choices about cereal, or anything else.
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