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Sunday, May 06, 2018

"It's what's known as the Gothic movement"

If you're old enough to remember the media coverage of the Columbine shooting, you might have seen the news media breathlessly reporting on the "Gothic movement" as an influence on the killers.

A goth rock band, the Crüxshadows, incorporated clips from one of these reports (I assume it was 20/20 based on the remix name) on a version of their song Leave Me Alone:

"It's what's known as the Gothic movement, violent and black."
"A growing and troubling trend in suburban America."
"They're mixed up kids."
"A new kind of teenage gang, white suburbanites, built around a fascination with the grotesque and with death."
"Police say the boys may have been part of a dark underground national phenomenon known as the Gothic movement, and that some of these goths may have killed before."
"There have been a series of violent episodes around the country linked to teenagers who call themselves goths."
"Anybody who would get in their way, I think they would, they potentially would kill."

Now, if you're under 30, you've never heard the mainstream media ever mention the Gothic movement.  Why?  Because, as it became abundantly clear, the Gothic movement had nothing to do with people who murder.  But they were a convenient scapegoat on which to focus the blame for Columbine.

Keep this historical reference in mind whenever you hear the news media cite some community as being responsible for a recent murder.  This reporting tends to happen when the killer is marginalized, but not part of a protected group.  (When a Hollywood star kills, the culture of Hollywood will never be cited as an influence on the murderer.  But some creepy kid?  Go to town with whatever they can find on his computer!)


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