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Nu ma nu ma iei, nu ma nu ma nu ma iei

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Monday, April 30, 2012

Another Day of Spending!

Remember the failure that is Occupy Wall Street? You haven't heard much from it lately, as even the sympathetic media has realized that the movement is bad for the Democrats. They don't want another 1968. So you may not have heard their call for a general strike--no working, no spending, etc.--for tomorrow. May 1st, a day which should be spent in contemplation of the hundred million people killed by communism, is the symbolic date for this act of selfishness.

So, as always, I suggest spending! Take tomorrow and purchase all the things you've been putting off buying. Pick up some new clothes. Get the week's groceries. Go out to eat. Order something off of Amazon or eBay. And if you have the resources, send a donation to a Republican political candidate in a likely close race.

If you're part of the true 99%, the people who, regardless of wealth, want to work hard and contribute to society, go out and spend. Spite the worst 1%, the group whose goal in life is to be paid well for ordering other people around and feeling self-fulfilled.



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